Little Miss Extra: Grown-Up Goodie Bags

They loved parting gifts when they were 6 and we promise you, they still love them now.

The simplest way to incorporate this extra touch is to add one recipe to your pre-dinner party prep. Whether it’s homemade granola or dried cocktail garnishes, think of goodies you can prep the week-of, top with a bow, and get on to hosting.

Frozen Cookie Dough Balls

Everyone loves homemade cookies – but not everyone loves to make them. So whip up a large batch of any seasonal cookie that’s speaking to you, wrap in a cellophane bag, seal with a bow and grown-up goodie bags done!

Homemade Granola

If a homemade jar of granola isn’t pure TLC, we don’t know what is. Decide on an assortment of nuts, seeds, dried fruits (and if you’re like us, chocolate) to combine with a fat and sweetener of your choosing (we love coconut oil & maple syrup). Bake to a crisp, package and gift.  

Infused Spirits

A little bit of jalapeño or dried citrus is guaranteed to completely transform a fifth of your spirit of choice. Choose in-season flavorings or an infusion reminiscent of the meal you plan to serve so that your guests can sip and savor the memories spent in your home. 

Dried Cocktail Garnishes

Surprisingly easy, dried citrus makes for a wow-earning gift your guests will love. Everyone would love to top their Friday night margarita with a dried lime ring for that restaurant-esque luxury, and you can be the one to make it happen. 

Leftover Dinner Party Florals

Send your guests home with a bud vase of the festivity’s florals. We love to find mini vases and divvy up the centerpiece at the end of the night as a little reminder of all the fun had. 


Our newest parting gift obsession: branded matchboxes. These are so simple to create, but leave such an impact with guests. We love to DIY the design with icons or phrases that represent the festivities, and your guests will love it too. 

Polaroid Pictures

Polaroids will never not be a beloved fridge accessory – even for the most extreme minimalists who wouldn't be caught dead with a magnet on their fridge. Leave the camera out with a sharpie so guests can snap away and jot down the date, an inside joke, or a reminder to make your perfectly seasoned scampi. 


While this might seem a little cheesy at first, it’s all in the presentation. Find a sophisticated to-go box to package remaining pieces of galette or lasagne – and if you’re feeling mega extra, create branded stickers with your name, initials, or something reminiscent of the host with the most to seal the deal. 

Looking for extra inspiration? Browse our collection of Extra Hauste Its – comprehensive dinner party guides that transform basic parties in exceptional soirees. 


happy hausting!


The Art of Tablescaping: Inspiration for Your Hosting Table


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