Hausting is our bread & butter.
For years we’ve watched our mom press linen napkins, expertly place florals, forego the paper plates for vintage porcelain, & roast a whole chicken to golden brown perfection. While the crispy skin & juicy meat continue to wow every first-timer, it’s the entire experience that earned our home the place to be weekend after weekend. Good food, good company & good times.
The secret ingredient to our mom’s entertaining success? The curation — the thoughtful planning that taps into all 5 senses so when guests float to their car at the end of the night atop cloud 9, they feel satisfied by so much more than the food. Their stomachs feasted on sweets & savories. Their eyes on beautiful aesthetics. Ears on easy background sounds. Minds on meaningful conversation with an un-stressed host.
Hauste takes the hosting principles deeply engrained in our family culture & shares them with the hope of bringing more joy-filled, memorable moments into your life — no national holiday or grad party needed.
It’s time to savor the big things, romanticize the small things, & hauste like you were born to do it.
XX, your Co-Haustes
Our Values: What makes Hauste, Hauste
Mise En Place
Enjoy the Process
Mise en place (a French term for “everything in its place”) is more than just chopping your veggies ahead of time — it makes hosting enjoyable again. By the time your guests arrive, the table is set, the cocktails poured, and the vibes high. All that’s left to do is for you to greet them with your favorite glass of pinot in hand. No second-guessing, no overwhelm, no stress.
Elevate the Everyday
Don’t Wait to Celebrate
Why do we insist on saving the “nice stuff” for some unspecified future? Let us be the ones to tell you (because we all need a reminder): burn the good candles, uncork the good wine, play your favorite song a million times over. New “nice stuff” will come along & life is too dang short — Hauste encourages you to devour the small pleasures every chance you get.
Be the Life of the Party
Nothing quite compares to someone telling you they love spending time in your home. And while you might not think you have the confidence or skills to foster such a remark, you’re wrong. You are the hauste with the most, the cultivator of new relationships, the force that draws people in. Our goal is to make it easy for you to continue doing what you do best.